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Company introduction

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Company introduction

Company introduction

Since founded in 1978, KUPP has been producing differentiated PLASTIC PIPING SYSTEM for water supply, sewage, communication, gas, and plants. Now, with plastic systems has non-corrosive, strong chemical resistance, and used at high temperatures, KUPP provides eco-friendly solutions by designing, manufacturing, and installation of plant fluid transfer and storage facilities according to customer needs.

KUPP is the history of Korea’s plastic pipe system.

KUPP is the starting point of the plastic pipe system that produced the hygienic polyethylene pipes
used by plumbing advanced countries for the first time in the Korean market.

Leaping forward to the global company

KUPP, leading comprehensive plastic pipe / plant equipment manufacturer,
supplies products and services to water treatment, infrastructure,
and communication facility construction sites to many countries around the world.
KUPP challenges to the world with the establishment of local plant in Costa Rica of Central America

Preparing for the future with
eco-friendly plant facilities

We provide solutions to all industrial fields, including secondary battery material, semiconductor
and chemical processing with an optimized plant site solution by implementing various customer needs
from project efficiency review, customized design, production, installation and maintenance management
using eco-friendly plastic plant equipment materials created with KUPP’s own processing technology.

Vision & Goal

Total Fluid Solutions with Plastic Technology

We have manufactured and installed eco-friendly & high-performance plastic products that are corrosion-free, economical, and recyclable after more than 20 years of use. We provide fluid storage, transfer, and control solutions in the industry of water supply, plant, chemical, fire protection, gas, telecommunications, etc.


Our top priority is customer’s success
and profit through being with KUPP!

Maximizing customer’s profit through partnership with KUPP Co, Ltd,. is our primary business goal and our highest value. Our customers will achieve the best results by working with KUPP Co, Ltd,. and we will always do our best to ensure this.


Company History


Advance into the future and
into the world as leading
Plastic Plant Solution provider.


  • Started CPVC /UPVC / AIRDUCT business
  • Established new factory in Costa Rica (KUPP Corporacion America)


  • Started PPH / HDPE / FRP CHEMICAL Tank business


  • Designated as “2021 Chungnam Star Company”


  • Certified KFI certification with WEL Firefighting Piping System


  • Certified KC certification with WEL Piping System


  • Changed company name to “KUPP Co., Ltd.”
  • Certified “Best Quality Award” from National Public Procurement Service
  • Awarded “10 Million Dollar Export” Award in 47th Trade Day


Provide optimal solutions to
all business fields through
research and development.


  • Acquired ISO 14001 certification
  • Awarded “3 Million Dollar Export” Award in 43rd Trade Day
  • Set up large pipe extrusion line


  • Acquired TL9000 / ISO 9001 certification


  • Established Research Center


  • Relocated HQ and factory to Cheonan


Established in 1978,
the first company in Korea to produce
polyethylene pipe systems.


  • Awarded “Presidential Citation of National Quality Management Competition


  • First exporter of HDPE pipe & fittings to Taiwan


  • First Certified company of KS M 3408 HDPE Water pipe


  • Established KUNSUL HWASUNG Co., Ltd.



26 Daehong 3-gil, Seonghwan-eup

041-582-9700 / 02-591-2710

Sales Office

KUPP Co., Ltd. Seoul Sales Office